May Goldenberg and Edward Elder set up the Goldenberg-Elder Family Fund to contribute to the Foundation’s Health, Human Services and Education fields-of-interest. As mostly retired physician assistants, the couple had been aware of the Foundation’s programs through family friends and grant award organizations. When their financial advisor suggested setting up a fund to ensure ongoing support for the community, they didn’t need much convincing.
One aspect of the Foundation’s fund and award programs that particularly appealed to the couple was that their support would be more effective than if they simply wrote checks themselves. They appreciated the Foundation’s ability to understand the needs of the community, which includes community input, grows other donors’ interest and leverages other resources in addition to theirs so the community can thrive. They also knew of the Foundation’s successful track record for supporting a variety of programs in the community.
“The Albuquerque community and intertwined smaller communities within the area are inspirational for their artistic and cultural richness, diversity, and caring outreach and interconnectedness,” Goldenberg says. “I am also inspired by the number of nonprofit, for-profit and governmental organizations that work together to nurture communities’ talents, gifts, amazing outdoor resources as well as supporting community needs and struggles. Edward and I view the Foundation as a great avenue to support both the needs and richness of Albuquerque and New Mexico.”