Smiling people at the Asian Family Center

Grantee Stories – New Mexico Asian Family Center

The New Mexico Asian Family Center (NMAFC) didn’t have it easy in 2022, according to its Executive Director Sachi Watase. “The last two years revealed increasingly dangerous threats to the communities we serve, in addition to the continual effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said. Following an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes in the U.S. throughout the pandemic, the violence …

Grantee Stories – New Mexico Volunteers For The Outdoors

New Mexico Volunteers for the Outdoors (NMVFO) is an all-volunteer, non-partisan organization dedicated to improving trails, outdoor facilities and wildlife habitat on New Mexico public lands. Since 1982, NMVFO has organized, managed, promoted and recruited volunteers to work on outdoor service projects throughout the state. In 2022, the organization celebrated its 40th anniversary with a picnic honoring founding and long-term …

Participants in a Manzano Mountain Art Council class creating mosaics.

Grantee Stories – Manzano Mountain Art Council

Manzano Mountain Art Council (MMAC) was formed in 1995 to promote art appreciation and programming in Mountainair and the surrounding Estancia Valley. Its 113-year-old building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as one of only a few commercial structures in the state to have a basement. With grants from the Foundation, MMAC preserves and improves the structure, …

Best Chance clients gather in their conference room.

Grantee Stories – Best Chance

Sometimes, an encounter can change the course of a life. That’s what happened to Stanley Weinstein, Best Chance’s Executive Director, after he retired from his first career. While teaching meditation to incarcerated individuals at Central New Mexico Correctional Facility, he met with several Peer Health Educators. The question of how to address the pressing needs of individuals leaving incarceration emerged. …

Casa de Salud staff talking together in an office.

Grantee Stories – Casa De Salud

Casa de Salud Executive Director Anjali Taneja is extremely proud of the fact that the healthcare organization was able to remain operational throughout the pandemic without a single day of closure. This nonprofit clinic provides healthcare services for immigrants, low-income and uninsured New Mexicans, queer/transgender community members, drug users, and people seeking treatment and recovery for addictions. It has deep …

Serenity Mesa clients working on a project.

Grantee Stories – Serenity Mesa

Jennifer Weiss-Burke, Executive Director of Serenity Mesa Recovery Center, had more referrals for services in 2022 than when the center opened in 2015. “This highlights the real impact of fentanyl and drug use,” she said. “Pre-pandemic, we were seeing mostly clients over 18. Post-pandemic, we’re seeing more under the age of 18 — lots of 14 and 15-year-olds.” She attributes …

Bette Fleishman, JD, MA, Pegasus Legal Services for Children Executive Director sitting in an office surrounded by art and plants.

Grantee Stories – Pegasus Legal Services For Children

“We are the only place in New Mexico for children to get legal representation and support,” said Bette Fleishman, JD, MA, the Executive Director of Pegasus Legal Services for Children. Pegasus Legal Services for Children is a nonprofit agency that provides civil legal services to children, youth and their caregivers, including direct representation in the 2nd Judicial District and the …

Children learning from a cooking instructor during a Kids Cook! class.

Grantee Stories – Kids Cook!

“Eating is a lifelong skill, so if we can inspire families to cook and eat [what they cook] then they can take that throughout their entire lives.” That’s what drives Sara Robbins, Executive Director of Kids Cook!, an organization that provides fun, hands-on instruction to Albuquerque elementary school students on food preparation skills, nutrition, physical activity and maintaining a clean, …

New Mexico Community Capital Staff standing together in front of the organization’s entrance.

Grantee Stories – New Mexico Community Capital

New Mexico Community Capital’s (”NMCC”) mission is to give rise to a more equitable future for the Indigenous population by providing culturally appropriate tools for success to emerging Native American-owned businesses, Native families and tribal enterprises in the state. It provides mentorship, peer learning and culturally relevant education as well as supporting tribal agencies and organizations with specialized technical assistance …

A group of dancers practicing flamenco in a studio together. Flamenco Works

Grantee Stories – Flamenco Works

Dance instructors Jesús Muñoz and Amalyah Leader operate Flamenco Works, an Albuquerque dance studio that trains and empowers the next generation of Flamenco performers. It is both a school, offering classes to kids and adults, and a resident company that performs regularly with local and international dancers, musicians and artists. In addition to flamenco classes, Flamenco Works also offers financial …