The annual New Mexico Estate Planning Conference is a one-day seminar for attorneys, bankers, investment advisors, estate planning and tax practitioners, and financial planners to hear multiple perspectives from tax and trust professionals, attorneys and financial planners on federal rules and regulation changes and updates on the national and local philanthropic landscape. In 2022, it took place at Nusenda Credit Union and welcomed 58 attendees in person and virtually.
Approved for continuing education credit, the conference bolsters the Foundation’s relationship with professional advisors who help staff connect with generous supporters in the community. They are a vital link and often the first touchpoint in their clients’ engagement with philanthropy.
The Foundation took the opportunity to give participants an overview of the Foundation and its services, philosophy of giving and the principles of trust-based philanthropy and explained how the organization can help donors in considering their philanthropic planning and decisions.
Among the presenters and topics were:
- SLATs and Why You Should Consider Using One with Kenneth Leach
- 2022 Special Needs Planning Update with Sara Traub
- Philanthropic Impact and Local Needs with Foundation staff Randy Royster, Juaquin Moya and Marisa Magallanez
- Supervising the Delegated Relationship with Greg Mackenzie, Nicole Cardenas, Theresa DeMenge and Kelly McDonough
- Not by the Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin: Ethical Issues in Joint Representation with Nell Graham Sale
- Comprehensive Planning in a Non-Tax Environment with Alan Gluth
Special thanks to Foundation Trustee and attorney Kenneth Leach for his help and guidance in coordinating this growing event, and to sponsors Albuquerque Museum Foundation, Empire Trust, Merrill Lynch, Nusenda Credit Union, Kenneth C. Leach and Associates, and Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman and Sale, PC.